Monday, 4 June 2012

Digital Marketing – Conversion Opportunities for Business [infographic]

June 4, 2012 

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing, promoting and adverting your suite of products, services, and brands through electronic means, is on the forefront of businesses’ marketing strategies.  With a massive universe of electronic media, businesses struggle with important, critical connections with customers leading to coveted greater long-term relationships and revenue streams.  Converted the casual viewer and information gather into a repeat valued customer is a sought after goal of the astute marketer – entrepreneur.
Straight off of a fresh survey, Adobe has produced a great infographic on top conversion opportunities for digital marketing.
Five key strategies are identified to increase digital marketing ROI:
  1. Site optimization
  2. Addition of data driven automation
  3. Using video to maximize conversion
  4. Tapping into and maximizing mobile channels
  5. Maximizing social engagement
digital marketing - conversion opportunities
Infographic courtesy: Adobe

Social Media blogs and infographics:

Digital marketing information:

Business information, resources and tips for the entrepreneur
© 2012 Strategy Plan One

1 comment:

  1. Digital marketing first of all involves a very detailed research of the market. It also includes search engine optimization which helps to increase your website's page rankings when searched on the search engines. integrated fundraising marketing services
